The Enneagram


Enneagram with numbers
The Enneagram

The Enneagram as a Path to Your True Self

The Enneagram is having a bit of a moment. Much of it is a reduction of a wisdom tradition to a not-very-deep personality system.

Enneagram with numbers

The Enneagram of Personality (Part 1)

We can divide the Enneagram into three centres of intelligence: instinctual centre, feeling centre, and thinking centre.

Enneagram showing gut heart and head triads

The Enneagram of Personality (Part 2)

The nine personality type of the Enneagram exhibit traits that derive from the three centres of intelligence.

Enneagram with circled 2 and text "You are not here"

Discerning Your Enneagram Type – This Is Not A Test

Discerning your Enneagram type requires self-knowledge and honesty. Without prior inner work, you may be unaware of your automatic patterns.

Enneagram with circle triangle hexagram emphasized separately

Working with the Enneagram Symbol

Understanding and applying the symbolic nature of the Enneagram will help you to turn this information into personal transformation.

Enneagram with circle emphasized encircled by arrows

The Enneagram Circle as a Symbol of the Spiritual Journey

The circle of the Enneagram symbolizes the spiritual journey of transformation. We experience all points of the Enneagram on this journey.

Arrows showing Law of Three

Working with Polarities: The Law of Three

The Enneagram Law of Three allows each side of a polarity to complement the other, allowing something new to emerge at a higher level.

Enneagram symbol with arrows on hexagon

Working with Reactions: The Law of Seven

You can learn to navigate the polarities of each Enneagram space via the Law of Seven, symbolized by the hexagram component of the Enneagram.

Spiritual Domains of the Enneagram

A transition from personality to a fuller spirituality includes an understanding of the archetypes, or domains, of each Enneagram space.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 1 highlighted

ONE: The Domain of Sentiment

The Enneagram ONE space is the Domain of Sentiment or sense-feeling. We must find balance between too much feeling and too much armouring.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 2 highlighted

TWO: The Domain of Life and Security

In the Enneagram Two space, the Domain of Life and Security, life must be nurtured and brought from dependence to independence. We must discern where we are on this path: Do we need? Do we nurture?

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 3 highlighted

THREE: The Domain of Imagination

At Enneagram point THREE, the Domain of Imagination, our work is to see beyond image to the underlying reality, to the truth of the matter.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 4 highlighted

FOUR: The Domain of the Intellect

At FOUR, the Domain of the Intellect, we seek to understand, which comes from the Old English understandan, meaning “to stand in the midst of”.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 5 highlighted

FIVE: The Domain of the Social

Enneagram point FIVE, the Domain of the Social is where we first meet the stranger. To grow, we must engage, rather than withdraw.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 6 highlighted

SIX: The Domain of Work

SIX, the Domain of Work, is about struggle, but also about the conscious release of the struggle. It moves between push and surrender.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 7 highlighted

SEVEN: The Domain of Hierarchy

On the Enneagram, SEVEN is the Domain of Hierarchy. A living hierarchy is always in motion. Leadership is passed around, as in a dance.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 8 highlighted

EIGHT: The Domain of Culture and Behaviour

EIGHT is the Domain of Culture and Behaviour. At SEVEN, we find our place in a living hierarchy. At EIGHT, we embody this place in a culture.

Enneagram with circulating arrows and number 9 highlighted

NINE: The Domain of Spirituality

NINE is the Domain of Spirituality. From the top of the Enneagram it overlooks and incorporates the spiritualities of all the other spaces.

Blog Posts

Decorative Enneagram split into 3 sections

Three Enneagram Centres: An Earth Trinity

We are “clothed in an earthly garment, in a mortal frame — bound by the natural laws of the universe and by a world of dualities.”

Head spaces shown on Enneagram Symbol

Head Centre in the Enneagram: Logic and Imagination

The Head wants to know. On the Enneagram, the Head Centre or Thinking Centre is expressed in spaces FIVE, SIX, and SEVEN. 


Enneagram with numbers

Introduction to the Enneagram (Slides)

This set of slides give a brief overview of the Enneagram of Personality. It should be supplemented with further resources.

Next Page: The Enneagram as a Path to Your True Self