Category: Reflections

Winter Scenes

Winter has its own beauty when the sun is shining. These photos were taken in January of 2023. I hope they bring a little cheer to your day.


Spiritual Direction: A Ministry of Listening

Spiritual direction is a ministry of listening. A spiritual director asks the directee, "How is the Spirit moving in you today?" and listens for the response.


A Meditation On The Labyrinth

Unlike a maze, a labyrinth is not a puzzle to solve; it is a path to walk. There are no dead ends; you may not know where you are, but you are never lost.

Beholding the Beauty Of The World (Lent 2022)

In this season of sorrows, I offer a daily photo as an object of rest and refreshment. I hope these photos will give you an open space in your day, if only for a moment, to catch your...

The Vulnerable Season

What child is this, who, laid to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping? Advent is the season of waiting. We wait for a child. The vulnerable among us also wait.


Bethlehem Peace Light

Several years ago, during the season of Advent, my wife and I visited our neighbours for dinner. We had a great time over food and conversation, catching up with one another after quite a while of very...

Advent Prayers

The season of Advent invites us to prepare our hearts to receive the Divine. From the point of view of the Enneagram, God comes to us in this season in the spaces of the heart.

At TWO, we...

Winter Solstice

"The seasons shift! Rejoice!"

Several dozen of us, bundled up against the cold on the longest night of 2002, moved clockwise from our places to the next point on the compass. We were distributed around a large circle in...

Three Enneagram Centres: An Earth Trinity

We are "clothed in an earthly garment, in a mortal frame — bound by the natural laws of the universe and by a world of dualities." We wear a cloak woven from the strands of our centres of...


Acedia ("lack of care") is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. It is often translated as "Sloth". Sounds harmless, doesn't it? Think again.



Rise above the chaos that you came from...


Psalm 119: A Lamp to My Feet

Psalm 119 is about The Law. The Law is not just a list of rules to keep us out of jail. It is guidance to teach us how to live.